Saturday, July 22, 2006

Israel. Pissing me off.

This is my new favorite stress-inducing topic. Am I the only who gets pissed off when Israel gets away with blowing the shit out of another country with zero consequences?

I understand that Israel has the right to exist-that is a basic fact and cannot be debated. I also understand their right, nay, need for a robust capacity for self-defense. But the first-strike pattern that Israel has adopted is inexcusable. Here is a country that is in essence a thoecracy with universal compulsory military service. This and the plethora of reserve forces for citizens who are not of military age strikes me as over the top. I don't think this is right. No military can function succesfully with manpower that is culled from the populace and forced to serve, vice a motivated and professional volunteer force. It is a fact that drafting personnel creates a military with a mindset that permits and overlooks wartime atrocity. This, combined with the never-ending flow of sophisticated arms and training tools and methods coming from the United States seems like a one-sided vendetta against the bulk of the Islamic nations (which are also primarily theocracies and also rely on compulsory military service.) What is the motivation? Self-defense? Or the eradication of any and all possible threats? What of the civilians? They did nothing to deserve this, save being Lebanese(which is not a crime in any way, dammit). In essence- it ain't fair. And is that not the goal of the world community, especially the diplomatic/political community? A measure of fairness that benefits all mankind? Military methods are the last resort. Always.

What I'm basically getting at is this - why does Israel feel the need to pummel it's neighbors? Because these operations will inevitably involve her allies in some way, shape, or form, and that ally, indirectly, by way of some DoN forms, is me. And I, being a well-trained, well-qualifed, motivated military professional will eventually be called on to do something that we all know just ain't right. I joined to become a better person and do something that would benefit the nation and the world as a whole. I did not join to do shady shit to benefit men who have no concept of the sacrifices myself and my shipmates make. I alsow did not join to star in my son's history textbooks, under the heading "World War 3." Am I overreacting? Maybe. But dammit, more people need to be worried about this - no, not worried, pissed. Pissed and doing something. Preferably somehting constructive and proactive.

However, before any NCIS cats read this and decide that my Navy days are over, allow me to say this - I have not, and do not plan to refuse any lawful order given to me. If they cut me orders and tell me to land some jarheads, or drive an LCU and put ass in the grass, then okay. I'll do it. And I'll do it to the best of my ability.

But Goddamn, I won't be happy about it.

So now that I've wandered off-topic and written myself into a corner, allow me to say this - stop bombing each other. Everyone. There is a time and a place when war is appropriate, but this - this ain't it. I cannot find the motivation for this destruction. It would be so easy to do the adult thing and admit past fault, while working toward future stability. Whose side are you all on, anyway? Who authorized this bullshit? And why is the UN, potentially the most powerful body of nations ever seen, with the collective strength of the mightiest navies and armies, sitting in meetings with collective thumbs in ass? Meetings do not solve problems. Meetings cause headaches and make folk sleepy.

Makes me sick. Sick and fucking tired. There are better things we all could be doing.


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