bm2 say grr.....grrrrr...
Intrusive leadership is a relatively new concept that the Navy is propagating among the E-7 and above caste. The thrust is this - know what your sailors are doing, at all times, and get involved. Direct them. Guide them. Mentor them.
On it's face, it seems like something long overdue. Something that needs to be standardized, taught, and used aggressively. But the fact that this has become a leadership tool tells me that the Navy, instead of pushing responisbility downwards, into the E-4 and below groups, is consolodating it. It's rapidly getting to the point where us blueshirts will have no credibility. It seems to me that my beloved Navy has lost it's faith in the very men and women who form it's backbone - young, motivated, idealistic men and women, who, through a few bad choices made by a minority of servicemembers. How are my subordinates supposed to stay motivated when they have their judgement questioned every day? I think we ought to return to the rough and tumble days of the pre-1996 Navy, when a Third Class had clout and and Second Classes ran the decks free of interruptions, when the BM1s and Chiefs could do what they needed to do knowing the the ship was in good hands. But no......that would be too easy. Gone are the days of the "Sea Daddy" and the trusty shaleleigh.
two steps forward, one jillion steps back...... grrrr......
so who's putting it in your butt?
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